Extra Curricular Clubs

At Longton Lane, we offer a wide range of activities which take place from 3.20pm – 4pm on most week nights.

Activities include Art, Dance, Gym, Football, Martial Arts, Rugby as well as various other activities throughout the year.

All these Clubs are available to different year groups depending on what the activities entail.

In addition to these before and after School activities, School Council and Eco Council run at dinner times throughout the year.

You will be informed at the beginning of each academic term as to what clubs will be available for your child throughout the year.


Please find below details of activites that are available after school hours this half term here at Longton Lane Primary School.


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Longton Lane,
St Helens L35 8PB
Linda Speed, Headteacher
Claire Andrews, SENCO Contact
Elaine Cass, SBM
Michelle Grosvenor/Emma Yates, Parent/Public Enquiries