Year 3/4: Miss McMullan 2023 - 2024

Miss McMullan

Welcome to our Year 3/4CT class page.

This year, the teacher in 3CT is Miss McMullan and our LSA is Miss Bennett.

I am so excited to work with the children in my class.  They are all so enthusiastic for learning and hardworking!   I am sure you will all agree that reading continues to be a focus for the children this year.  Although we do a lot of reading activities each day in class, it is also important that reading is also completed at home each week. The children will bring home two books each week, a book matched to their reading level and a reading for pleasure book.  These will be changed each Monday if they have a signature in their reading diary to show they have completed their book.  As the reading for pleasure books are longer stories than the children received in KS1, they may take a few weeks to read.  This is expected so please do not feel pressured to change their reading for pleasure books weekly.

Spellings will be sent home on Mondays and put on our class page and there will be an informal spelling test in class on Fridays.

In English we will be reading Orion and the dark, after focusing on developing our writing using a cloudy lesson animation.

In Guided Reading we will be reading The Witches by Roald Dahl and a non-fiction text about dinosaurs.

In Maths we will be looking at place value and number bonds, and reviewing our two, five and ten times tables.

In History we are going to begin with our topic of Anglo Saxons and the Vikings which we are very much looking forward to, and in Geography the children will be looking at Italy.

We will of course be practicing our creative skills in our music lessons.

Homework will continue to be set as a grid, with the children expected to complete one question a week from the grid. We also expect children to have read 3 times a week, practiced TT Rockstars and their spellings. Reading at home will be monitored weekly.

PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Miss McMullan and Miss Bennett




Year 3/4: Miss McMullan: Gallery items

Year 3/4: Miss McMullan: Calendar items

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Longton Lane,
St Helens L35 8PB
Linda Speed, Headteacher
Claire Andrews, SENCO Contact
Elaine Cass, SBM
Michelle Grosvenor/Emma Yates, Parent/Public Enquiries