Year 4: Mrs Batson 2023 - 2024

Mrs Bond

Hello, and welcome to Year 4!

I'm Mrs Batson the year 4 teacher and our Learning Support Assistant is Miss Farrell. Also in our class is Mrs Gargan who will be teaching science on a Friday morning.

PE will be on a Monday and Friday so please ensure PE kits are in for those days. We will keep the kits in school and send home for washing at the end of each half term.

There will be two sets of reading books this year, a colour banded book and a reading for pleasure book. These will be changed once a week when planners have been signed.

In Key Stage Two homework will be set as a grid, with the children expected to complete one question a week from the grid. We also expect children to have read 3 times a week, practiced TT Rockstars and their spellings. Reading at home will be monitored weekly.

Spellings will be sent home on Mondays and put on our class page and there will be an informal spelling test in class on Fridays.

We cannot believe we are already in summer now and we have lots of interesting learning coming up this half term, hopefully some nicer weather too!

In English we will be watching revisiting The Tempest and looking at the Michael Rosen rap!

In Guided Reading we will be reading Coraline and learning about Jane Goodall.

In Maths we will be continuing our work on measures.

In History we're carrying on with our learning about the amazing Egyptians, and in Geography we will be learning all about the geograpy of London.

In Science we will be exploring states of matter and the water cycle.

We will of course be practicing our creative skills in our music lessons and brushing up on our French!

We are so looking forward to our last ever half term of Year 4!

Mrs Batson and Miss Farrell




Year 4: Mrs Batson: Gallery items

QuadKids, by Mrs Grosvenor

Rainhill Football Competition, by Mrs Grosvenor

Olympic Torch Competition, by Miss Yates

Year 4: Mrs Batson: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Longton Lane,
St Helens L35 8PB
Linda Speed, Headteacher
Claire Andrews, SENCO Contact
Elaine Cass, SBM
Michelle Grosvenor/Emma Yates, Parent/Public Enquiries