Year 1: Mrs Saphier 2024 - 2025

Mrs Saphier

KS1 teacher

Welcome to Y1SS!

I am Mrs Saphier and this year will be teaching Year 1. Across KS1 we will have Miss Bennett and Mrs Dandy who are all fabulous members of our support staff.

During this half term, in Maths we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of numbers up to twenty, including addition and subtraction within twenty. We will also be starting to look at time - we are already becoming much more confident with "o'clock".

We will be exploring a range of texts in our English sessions, continuing with our very popular story Nibbles before moving onto our next book. We will be reading even more stories in our guided reading sessions including Dogger and Meerkat Mail. 

In History, we will be learning all about toys! We will be comparing old and new toys to discuss similarities and differences. 

In Geography, we will continue learning all about Africa; this half term we will be looking at the Republic of Congo and what it is like to live there. We will be thinking about how this area of Africa is similar/different to Kenya and Malawi.

In Science we will be investgiating different materials and thinking about their properties.

During our Music sessions, we will be singing our new song "In The Groove".

In Computing we will be learning how to program a moving robot! To do this we will be using BeeBot robots and their special mats.

In RE we will continue our learning about the religion of Islam, this will include learning about their beliefs and their God, Allah.

PE this half term will be on Mondays and Tuesdays. On Mondays we will be doing gymnastics and on Tuesdays we will continue to learn lots of different ball games. Please ensure your child has their full kit in school including pumps. Kits will then be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed.

In KS1 we have three different books that are sent home.

Reading for Pleasure books – these are sent home on Monday and returned on Friday. These are books that are to be shared as a family, at bed time, before tea or just snuggled up on the sofa.

RWI books – these are sent home on Monday and returned on Friday. These are phonetically plausible books that are chosen specific in line with your child’s phonic knowledge.

Phonetically decodable or banded reading books – these are changed every Tuesday and Friday. Don’t worry about reading a full book each day, reading a couple of pages each day will be great. Please just make a note of which page you have read up to. 

Please remember to read with your child as often as possible - ideally three times a week. School planners are checked daily for any messages.  

In addition to reading daily, we have Rainbow Challenges for KS1. These are challenges set for each half term. The YELLOW Rainbow Challenge has six different activities for you to complete before the end of the school year. You can take pictures of you completing each activity and add it onto School Spider (Rainbow Challenges Yellow Spring 1) or you can simply write a note in your child's planner to say which challenge they have completed. If you have completed four or more of these challenges before the end of Spring 1, you will earn your YELLOW Rainbow Certificate.  

If you ever have any concerns or want to discuss something, please make a note in your child’s planner or email the school office.

We are so excited to help your children to grow and flourish over the coming year! 

Mrs Saphier



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Year 1: Mrs Saphier: Gallery items

New School Building, by Miss Patino

KS1 Nativity 2024, by Miss Patino

Year 1: Mrs Saphier: Calendar items

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St Helens L35 8PB
Linda Speed, Headteacher
Claire Andrews, SENCO Contact
Elaine Cass, SBM
Michelle Grosvenor/Emma Yates, Parent/Public Enquiries